Listen Live

Redeemer Broadcasting's east coast radio feed can be heard LIVE by clicking play below:

Redeemer Broadcasting Live Stream
please allow 5-10 seconds to buffer the stream

Recent Songs

TimeSong TitleArtist
Almighty, Unchangeable GodThe Stouffer Family
Walk in the LightSuzanne Toolan, Mercy Burlingame, Chorale Glee & Sc
The Love Of GodMarty Goetz
My House Is FullBack to the Bible Quartet
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Ein' FesteCovenant Choir
A Towel and a BowlSteve Amerson
Immortal, InvisibleHaven Quartet
When Morning Gilds The SkiesDavid Davidson, Lee Larrison, Jim Grosjean, Bob Mas
Wonderful Peace - Clair de LuneDr. Patricia Spedden
Down From His GloryBrian Arner

Refresh this page to see the updated song list.

You can also listen with the following media players:


Having trouble loading our Internet Stream? Follow this step by step guide to resolve the issue:

  1. If you have dial-up internet you will not be able to connect to our stream. A high speed internet connection such as DSL / Cable / Satellite is required.

  2. The Redeemer broadcasting stream has been tested to work with the following media players: Windows Media Player, iTunes, WinAmp, VLC Player.

  3. PLEASE NOTE! The audio stream for Windows Media Player is specifically configured for that player and will not work in the other players!

    • Windows Media Player:
      A) Open Windows Media Player
      B) Press CTRL+U on your keyboard (This will display the 'Open URL' window)
      C) Copy and Paste the following link into the Open URL window:
      D) Click 'OK'

    • iTunes: (download)
      A) Open iTunes
      B) Press CTRL+U on your keyboard (This will display the 'Open Audio Stream' window)
           OPTIONALLY: Click on the 'Advanced' menu and select 'Open Audio Stream'
      C) Copy and Paste the following link into the Open URL window:
      D) Click 'OK'

    • WinAmp:
      A) Open WinAmp Media Player
      B) Press CTRL+L on your keyboard (This will display the 'Open URL' window)
           OPTIONALLY: Click on the 'File' menu on the top of the player and select 'Play URL'
      C) Copy and Paste the following link into the Open URL window:
      D) Click 'OPEN'

    • VLC Player: (download)
      A) Open VLC Player
      B) Copy the following link into the Open URL window:
      C) Click on the 'Media' menu on the top of the player and select 'Open Location From Clipboard'
      D) Click 'OK' (paste the link into the text area if needed)

If you continue to have trouble playing our audio stream please contact us. Please specify your operating system and media player if you know what they are.